TrackingMobileVIDEO TUTORIAL (2 min): is a geolocation app to track Android devices with gps
TrackingMobile is a geolocation app to track Android devices with gps and get info about its routes.
We have improved the free service!
Now you can watch directly your statistics and routes in a date!!!
Your user web can add user mobiles and observe their routes.
It's composed by a web application and a Android application. You need a user web and one or more users mobiles.
Tracking Mobile lets you to watch all the fixes of all the devices in real time (trucks, ships, vehicles, cyclists, runners ...)
Observe the routes of all your vehicles or employments, you can know the rest time realized, the velocity, the routes realized...
There are a free and premium service:
Free service
Know the geolocation of all your devices in real time.
Premium service
Statistics of geolocation in real time, records of routes, fixes, velocity, statistics of usage ...
We offer solutions in the following areas:
Taxis: Services of location for taxis
Messaging: Geolocation of the packages
Goods: Geolocation of the lorries
Transport: Geolocation of buses, trains, ships and/or airplanes
Driving School: Geolocation of practices cars
Competition: Geolocation of participants in competitions of automotive, cycling, athletics...
Rent of cars: Geolocation of rented cars
- Observe routes of several Android devices in real time.
- Save routes and see it later in the web of all the devices.
- Maximum and minimum velocity in routes, time of the route, time between routes.
- Accuracy of the fixes.
- Configurable user interface.
- Know the velocity of all the vehicles in its routes
Statistics of every accomplished route per vehicle and day
- Calendar of routes
- Every route with a different color in a day.
- Statistics of time and velocity.
- The mobile application saves fixes of geolocation in database and it sends the fixes to the web service when internet is connected.
For more information, visit the web: